Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wahmies - One Size Cloth Diapers

Besides Wahmies Diapers being one size and looking very cute, there was a deal on a few sites for a free Wahmies wetbag with the purchase of a wahmies diaper (plus free shipping) so I decided we should try one.

When I received the diaper and wetbag, I was a little taken back. The hooks on the diaper are similiar to what's on a bra. They are fine to do during the day, but a little much for at night. And I thought they might be a bit too much for my husband too as he is used to the snaps and velcro. I stuffed it with a Wahmies insert and thought that the Wahmies diaper had a nice feel.

I'm kind of glad we only tried one because it leaked. EWWW! I haven't had any of the other cloth diapers leak so I was a bit surprised. Now maybe I didn't do something in connecting it right or maybe our baby doesn't have chubby legs. So after washing it, the Wahmies are at the end of my stash and I am thinking of trying it one more time or trading it.

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